TREATY 6 TERRITORY, AB, Aug. 24, 2016 /CNW/ – In partnership with Enoch Cree First Nation and Sunchild First Nation, the Aboriginal Business Match (ABM) will connect Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal decision makers to create opportunities for business from September 19 – 21, 2016.
“For many generations, the Enoch Cree Nation and Sunchild First Nation have diversified with the changing economies due to the strength, adaptability, and determination of our members,” says Chief William Morin of Enoch Cree Nation. “It is with this determination, and in partnership, that we are excited to co-host the ABM Alberta.”
In previous ABMs, 92% of delegates developed key contacts anticipating post-event deals, and 1 in 5 made deals directly on the tradeshow floor. Part of the success of ABM delegates is in the preparation. Delegates who attend choose from a selection of potential business matches through ABM’s sophisticated business matching software, which efficiently facilitates one-on-one pre-schedules appointments through targeted selection. ABM Alberta will take place at the River Cree Resort & Casino, a 100% Enoch Cree Nation owned business.

Aboriginal Business Match (ABM) delegates discuss business opportunities on the tradeshow floor. (CNW Group/Raven Events)
“Our priority is to continue to grow and develop our economy. We believe we can achieve this by creating partnerships with companies and other Aboriginal communities that align with our values,” says Chief Jonathan Frencheater. “Hosting ABM will present an opportunity for Aboriginal communities across Alberta and bordering provinces to showcase what rich opportunities lie in our regions and attract the businesses and organizations.”
The decision to hold ABM in Alberta stemmed from a greater intention to connect Alberta’s already established Aboriginal entrepreneurial community with a strong and growing national network; a goal shared by Edmonton’s Aboriginal Business and Professional Network, Aksis, that has joined a group of partners that supports the event.
“The Aboriginal Business Match was a natural partnership,” says Debbie Houle, President of Aksis. “Creating opportunities for business with a national network of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal decision makers and bringing that to Alberta is so well aligned with our vision to make Edmonton the Aboriginal business capital of Canada. There is no doubt we can move toward that vision this September by leveraging our membership and offering a platform for unprecedented connections that ABM is known for.”
ABM Alberta is supported by a Partners Group comprised of Aboriginal and corporate leadership from BDO, Horizon North, QM Environmental, City of Prince George, Clarence Campeau Development Fund, Community of Membertou, Enoch Cree Nation, Garden River First Nation, Kawatsi Economic Development, Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nation, Lheidli T’enneh First Nation, Mississauga First Nation, Niagara Peninsula Aboriginal Area Management Board, Penticton Indian Band, Province of Alberta, Economic Development, Province of Saskatchewan, First Nations, Metis and Northern Economic Development, Ministry of the Economym, Quatsino First Nation, Saskatchewan Indian Equity Foundation, Sault Ste. Marie Economic Development Corporation, Sunchild First Nation, and more.
For more information about ABM Alberta visit
ABM is created by and is a trademark of Raven Events, Sliammon, BC.
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