Canada and Metis Nation of Alberta sign Consultation Agreement

Edmonton, AB. (July 24, 2018) The Métis Nation of Alberta (MNA) is pleased to announce the signing of a Consultation Agreement between MNA leaders and the Government of Canada at the Métis National Council meeting in Saskatoon on Thursday, July 19, 2018.

In honour of their commitment to renew a nation-to-nation, government-to-government relationship, the Honourable Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, and Audrey Poitras, President of the Métis Nation of Alberta, signed the Consultation Agreement.

 “The signing of the Consultation Agreement marks Canada’s commitment and recognition of the Metis Nation as distinct peoples,” stated MNA president Audrey Poitras. “The outcome will be opportunities to hear directly from Métis Nation of Alberta citizens on issues, needs, and concerns unique to our people.”

Metis Nation of Alberta President Audrey Poitras and Minister of Indigenous Crown Affairs Carolyn Bennett sign a consultation agreement.

The Consultation Agreement builds on the already productive relationship by outlining clear roles, responsibilities, and a method for consultation between the MNA and Canada. It establishes common expectations between the MNA and Canada ensuring the representation of all MNA citizens.

 “This consultation protocol is an important step along the road to reconciliation to strengthen Canada’s relationship with the Métis Nation of Alberta,” stated Minister of Indigenous – Crown Relations Carolyn Bennett. “We look forward to continuing to work together in a true spirit of partnership and co-operation to make progress on our shared priorities for the benefit of Métis Nation of Alberta citizens and for all Canadians.”

This document marks the first sub-agreement under the Framework Agreement for Advancing Reconciliation signed by Minister Bennett and President Poitras on November 16, 2017.

Quick Facts:

  • The MNA is governed by a Provincial Council, comprised of a Provincial President and Vice-President, and six (6) regional Presidents and Vice-Presidents, all democratically elected.
  • The MNA promotes and facilitates the advancement of Métis people through self-reliance, self-determination, and self-management.


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