(ANNews) – The colour, dancing and drums of a traditional powwow will be celebrated at K-Days for the first time this summer. The annual summer fair will include a powwow running every day from July 22-31, 2016 and it will feature a grand entry with a different theme each day.
The annual July exhibition hosted at Northlands takes place in Edmonton on the traditional territory of Treaty 6 First Nations.
“The addition of a traditional powwow to the K-Days events and activities will help highlight our rich and unique heritage,” said Treaty 6 Grand Chief Tony Alexis on Tuesday.
Another exciting new development at K-Days this year is the introduction of a Northlands Indigenous Princess Pageant. The participation deadline for the pageant is July 13, 2016.
Northlands and representatives of Treaty Six are pleased to be hosting the Northlands Indigenous Princess Pageant as part of this year’s K-Days Traditional Powwow. The winning Princess will showcase Indigenous culture at K-Days and throughout the year at Northlands events.
The partnership between Northlands and the Confederacy of Treaty 6 First Nations provides an opportunity to educate the community regarding Treaty Six, as well as local Indigenous culture and history. In continuation of the festivities and the 1st annual K-Days Pow Wow presented by the Alexis Sioux Cree Nation, Northlands is enthusiastic that the Northlands Indigenous Princess Pageant is an important addition to the programing that will enhance and elevate that partnership and also provide an ambassador for Northlands to build the relations within the community.
The aim of the Northlands Indigenous Princess Pageant is to encourage and continue to develop Indigenous girls/women as community leaders/ambassadors while educating Edmontonians and keeping traditional native traditions alive.
The primary goal will be to engage the Northlands Indigenous Princess throughout the year as an ambassador of goodwill for Northlands, where she will attend numerous appearances and events to educate the community while developing her communication skills through teaching and sharing in rich traditions, culture, and heritage of the Indigenous people.
Application is now open for the Northlands Indigenous Princess Pageant but don’t delay – the entry deadline is July 13. Find the rules & regulations here.
Click here for more information on the K-Days Powwow.
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