Coast Salish Territory, Vancouver, British Columbia – Leaders of the First Nations Summit (FNS) are congratulating National Chief Perry Bellegarde and the Assembly of First Nations for their efforts to secure and sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on shared priorities with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
The Assembly of First Nations – Canada Memorandum of Understanding on Joint Priorities, signed this morning at an AFN-Crown meeting, commits to regular, ongoing engagement between First Nations and the Government of Canada to ensure progress on priorities identified by First Nations. A copy of the MOU can be viewed at
“The MOU signed today is a key commitment by Prime Minister Trudeau and National Chief Bellegarde to solidify a working relationship that will hopefully lead to redress and reconciliation,” said Grand Chief Edward John of the FNS political executive, who attended today’s signing ceremony.
As part of the Canada’s ongoing commitment to a renewed nation-to-nation relationship with Indigenous Peoples, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently announced the establishment of a Working Group of Ministers responsible for a review to examine relevant federal laws, policies, and operational practices.
In today’s meeting, Grand Chief Ed John hand delivered a copy of a proactive First Nations Summit plan for the Crown to meet its constitutional obligations with respect to Aboriginal and treaty rights; adhering to international human rights standards, including the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; and supporting the implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action.
“The First Nations Summit plan, which was also recently tabled with the federal Working Group of Ministers, describes the realities and challenges First Nations in British Columbia face in resolving the long outstanding land question in BC and advancing reconciliation with the Crown through the made‐in‐BC treaty negotiations framework. A copy of the document was also tabled with Hon, Jody Wilson-Raybould, Minister of Justice, along with a request from the First Nations Summit to meet formally with the Cabinet Working Group,” added Grand Chief John.
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