Officers including support staff of the Blood Tribe Police Service were directly involved in National Anti-Bullying day on February 24 by wearing pink shirts to work.
The officer’s shirts were pink to support anti-bullying for a total of 10 officers including the School Resource Officer, Inspectors and the Chief Of Police.
Bullying can happen in many different forms and can happen anywhere. The BTPS and its staff fully support the National Pink T-Shirt Day event and conducted two multi vehicle check stops on the reserve to educate the public on the cause and why the members were wearing pink. This was conducted with positive feedback, handshakes and even fist pumps as a show of support. BTPS will continue to provide education and will be proactive in working with the youth and residents of the Blood Indian Reserve.
The organizers explain the significance of February 24 and The Pink Shirt Day movement: “Kindness starts here! Across Canada, bullying is a major problem in our schools, workplaces, homes, and over the Internet. Each year, on Pink T-Shirt Day, everyone is encouraged to wear something pink to symbolize that we as a society will not tolerate bullying anywhere. Take the message and remember it all year long.
“It is so important that victims of bullying know they are not alone and there is help and support available. Wearing a pink shirt on this day sends a strong message to them that others care. Often, the simple act of wearing a shirt can start conversations – conversations can be a big step towards healing and helping!”
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