The deadline for an Education Credit from the IRS Settlement is October 31

If you received a Common Experience Payment from the Residential School Settlement you are eligible for a one-time personal credit of up to $3,000 at universities, trades programs, or for courses. The deadline to apply for this credit is October 31,2014 so don’t miss this opportunity for yourself or certain family members.

You can use this money for yourself or transfer the credits to family members or you can choose to pool them to develop programs that promote traditional knowledge.

For more information about how to access the personal credits, the Assembly of First Nations has prepared a series of webinars that walk a person through the process. More information is also available at the Residential School Settlement website or call the Personal Credits Administrator at 1-866-343-1858.

Application forms were sent by mail to everyone who received a Common Experience Payment but if you need a new form call the above number and ask for a new one. Don’t delay because they will only accept forms that are mailed by Oct. 31.

These funds are available because over $40 million remained in the IRS Settlement Trust Fund after all the Common Experience Payments were made.  After the distribution of Personal Education Credits is completed, any amount remaining in the Trust Fund on January 1, 2015 will be paid to the National Indian Brotherhood Trust Fund and the Inuvialuit Education Foundation to be used for educational programs.

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