December 8, 2016 (Peace River) – Northern Lakes College (NLC) and Holy Family Catholic Regional Division (HFCRD) recently announced their new partnership that provides experiential trades training for students at Glenmary School.
Ann Everatt, NLC President & CEO, and Betty Turpin, HFCRD Superintendent, announced the partnership at the NLC Peace River Campus with over 50 Glenmary School students in attendance and broadcasted over Facebook Live to media, business and industry around the region at the NLC Peace River Campus. The experiential training, which began December 5, includes the following programs: Crane and Hoist, Basic Woodworking, Millwrighting, Basic Electrical and Heavy Equipment Technician training. These programs will allow students to gain valuable experience, while earning high school credits, that will likely make their career choices easier after they graduate.
The Mobile Trades Labs, where the majority of the training will take place, are units that can be moved and set up in various communities around the NLC service region providing opportunities for trades training in communities where traditional trades delivery is not available.
“HFCRD and Glenmary School are very pleased to be working with NLC to continuously improve the career training opportunities in the North,” said Superintendent Betty Turpin. “We thank NLC for working with us to provide this unique opportunity for our students. Together, we are transforming trades.”
Further, Ann Everatt announced the #TransformingTrades contest where students enrolled in the program could win an iPad simply by using the hashtag #TransformingTrades, in their social media posts along with a ‘selfie’ with the equipment and a brief statement about what they were learning or which career they were working towards. The contest will close on January 27, 2017 the final day of Peace River classes in the Mobile Trades Lab.
“Northern Lakes College is dedicated to partnerships that provide experiential college level programming to local high school students, encouraging students to continue their education after high school. Future prosperity of northern Alberta is reliant upon educated Albertan’s living and staying in the north,” said Everatt. “Holy Family Catholic Regional Division has been instrumental in helping to develop an experiential program with Northern Lakes College giving Peace River students hands-on, real-world learning.”
After the announcement, students were given a tour of the Mobile Trades Lab, many seeing where they will start their hands-on training in a few short days. Tours of the Peace River Campus were provided, which gave the high school students an opportunity to see first-hand their local campus and to ask questions about college studies and college life.
An open house for business, industry and employers to tour the Mobile Trades Lab and speak to program representatives will be held towards the end of January 2017.
For more information on the #TransformingTrades campaign, go to the Northern Lakes College or Holy Family Catholic Regional Division Facebook pages. The live video of the announcement is available at
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